Joining CEC > DEC > KDEC
Because KDEC is a subdivision for the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), membership starts with a CEC membership, with DEC as your division. When you join KDEC, you also get the benefits of the larger organizations. You will receive the benefits of a number of opportunities and publications, such as the Young Exceptional Children, Teaching Exceptional Children, Exceptional Children and the Journal of Early Intervention (DEC member benefits).
To become a member of the Kansas Division for Early Childhood (KDEC) individuals first need to become a member of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and select the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) as one of CEC’s Special Interest Divisions. Once the individual has joined CEC and DEC, they will automatically become a member of KDEC.
Why join KDEC?
- Opportunities to interact, collaborate and communicate with others in the field
- Up-to-date information on new findings in research, policy, current issues and best practices
- Reduced rates for the KDEC & DEC annual conference
These professional organizations are the voice for our professionals in special education. Additionally, you will receive:
- Access to cutting edge Journals
- Access to state-of-the-art books and resources
- Professional development opportunities at reduced rates
- Partnerships for advocacy on issues important to professionals, children and families
- Networking opportunities
- Access to professional insurance
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